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Celebrating 90 Years of Rotary in Coalville


When Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club members are not busy supporting the community or raising money for charities and good causes, we like to take some time to socialise. One of our favourite events is our annual charter (or birthday party) to mark the date the club was founded. This year was a 'special' birthday when we celebrated the 90th Anniversary of Rotary in Coalville on Saturday 14th October at Lingdale Golf Club.

As well as members of Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club, guests included the High Sheriff of Leicestershire and her husband, Rotarians, Lions, charities, volunteers, friends and family.

The evening began with a fabulous meal and afterward we had several speeches and toasts. First up was President Elect Don, who toasted Rotary International and Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland.

Next up was District Governor Elect, Chris Knight who talked about the many activities the club has been involved with since taking on a new name in 2021. He ended with these words "Why not try to see things from a different angle? Look at life through someone else’s eyes. What difference can you make to them? It doesn’t have to be a huge project. Sometimes the smallest action makes the biggest difference. This is exactly what the Rotary Club of Coalville Belvoir have done, coupled with recognising a need to move with the times, adapting and changing to suit the situation. Here’s to the next 90 years." Chris then thanked the club and raised a toast "to Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club".

President Simon was next to speak, thanking Chris and giving a brief talk on the topic of friends and family. He then thanked all the guest for attending the evening and for the support they have given to the club.

The highlight of the evening was our guest speaker, auctioneer and TV personality, Charles Hanson who gave an interesting talk about the world of antiques and TV. Charles then kindly auctioned some tickets to a Charity Auction Evening. The money raised will be donated to a charity to be selected by Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club.

The evening ended with a disco, giving members and guests a chance to let their hair down and dance the night away.

Here's a few pictures from the evening.

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Oct 15, 2023


Oct 15, 2023

Had a fun night. Happy 90th birthday 🎉🎉

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